Ypsilanti Animal Clinic

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Ypsilanti Pet Diagnostic Services

ypsilanti pet diagnostics

Pet X-Rays

Our state of the art veterinary x-ray machine allows us to take radiographs of your pet in order to help diagnose and treat many medical conditions.

X-rays can provide the veterinary staff with a picture of your pet's problem:

Heartworm Testing

Heartworm disease is a major concern for pets in the Ypsilanti area of Michigan. This mosquito-borne disease is potentially fatal to your pet and can be very costly to treat. Fortunately, heartworm disease can easily be prevented by administering a once-a-month monthly medication.

On-Site Ypsilanti Veterinary Lab

With the latest equipment, our veterinary staff has access to a full and complete veterinary diagnostic laboratory. Results are delivered quickly and accurately, allowing for an effective analysis of your pet's blood or urine.