Ypsilanti Animal Clinic

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Ypsilanti Pet Wellness Care

Annual exams allow us to establish a normal pattern for each pet's weight, temperature and body condition. A thorough, hands-on physical examination assists in detecting issues like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, hormone imbalances, arthritis and pain early on. This affords us the opportunity to treat the problem promptly, allowing your pet a better quality of life.

Pet Microchipping

Permanently identifying a pet is a necessary precaution every pet owner should take. About the size of a grain of rice, a microchip is a tiny computer chip coded with a 10-digit number unique to your pet. The chip is inserted under the skin in much the same way that a vaccine is administered. Once inserted, the pet is identified for life.

Washtenaw County Senior Pet Care

As pets age, their needs change. The onset of age-related diseases or health issues happens quickly or becomes more pronounced as your pet matures. More frequent visits help keep your senior pet happy and healthy and allow us to keep a close eye on potential problem areas.

Prescription Diets

Your pet's diet can have a serious impact on his/her health. Weight problems and allergies are often related to improper nutrition. Our qualified veterinary staff will gladly recommend the proper diet for your pet based on individual needs. We also stock a number of special prescription foods and supplements.

Veterinary Dentistry

Dental hygiene is an important part of your pet's health and can often be the cause of serious illness. If left untreated, dental problems can often lead to larger systemic problems in your pet due to oral bacteria entering the blood stream and damaging the kidneys, heart and liver.

Our Ypsilanti veterinarians regularly perform:

Affordable Ypsilanti Pet Immunizations

Annual immunizations are crucial to your pet's health and are usually done in conjunction with your pet's annual physical exam. The aim of a complete pet vaccine program is to prevent a costly or fatal illness. Following an appropriate immunization schedule is an important part of your pet's general health care routine.

ypsilanti flea prevention for pets

Flea Prevention

Living with pets does not mean living with parasites. Fleas are at best an inconvenience but at worst, fleas can cause serious life threatening diseases and disorders. We offer a variety of topical and oral medications to best suit yours and your pet's needs.

Products include: